Clarendon House

46 – 48 Tower Road, Poole BH13 6FE
Job Type
144no., 400mm diameter CFA bearing piles
Retirement Living

Client: McCarthy & Stone

Value: £63k

The project consists of drilling 144 no. 400mm o/d CFA piles to a max depth of 14 meters below existing GL. The ground is made up of a veneer of Top soil overlying deposits comprise Sand and Clay units. The rig used was a Soilmec SF50. CFA Piling is one of the most widely adopted piling techniques due to its low impact on the surrounding environment. It is ideal for use near any environmentally sensitive situation including but not limited to listed buildings, water treatment works and contaminated sites. We offer many innovative piling solutions, allowing for instance the installation of deep excavation load bearing piles.